Relationship Between Advertisement and Sales Performance of State Corporations in Kenya


Mr. Peterson N. Njeru
Dr. Nancy G. Rintari
Dr. Wilson Muema, PhD


This study was set out to establish the extent to which advertisement related to sales performance of commercial state corporations in Kenya. The study used a descriptive survey design, data were collected from 143 respondents using self-administered questionnaires as the key data collection instruments. The study findings revealed that there was a high level of which advertisement, there was also high level of sales volume, the extent of advertisement and the level sales volume significantly differed Among commercial state corporations in Kenya, advertisement is significantly correlated with sales volume from the above findings appropriate conclusion and recommendations included those for further research were made.


Author Biographies

Mr. Peterson N. Njeru

Kenya Methodist University

Dr. Nancy G. Rintari

School of Business and Economics,Kenya Methodist University

Dr. Wilson Muema, PhD

School of Business and Economics,Kenya Methodist University

How to Cite
Peterson, Nancy, & Wilson. (2022). Relationship Between Advertisement and Sales Performance of State Corporations in Kenya . Academic Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 10(3). Retrieved from